Impression photographique sur Aqua Paper
Les œuvres de la série Mécanique des laves nous plongent au cœur de la matière où l’infiniment petit semble former un paysage dont nous aurions perdu l’échelle. Comme extraites de ce magma minéral, apparaissent ici et là des roches volcaniques sur lesquelles sont imprimées des vues de la Lune et d’autres astres.
Photographic printing on Aqua Paper
The series plunges us into the heart of matter, where the infinitely small seems to form a landscape which scale we have lost. As if extracted from this mineral magma, volcanic rocks appear here and there, with views of the Moon and other stars printed on them.
The series plunges us into the heart of matter, where the infinitely small seems to form a landscape which scale we have lost. As if extracted from this mineral magma, volcanic rocks appear here and there, with views of the Moon and other stars printed on them.