Lyre, géophone, cuivre et caoutchouc
Inland I, une installation intégrée dans l’architecture de la maison des arts, convoque l’ouïe. Inventé en 1915 et utilisé pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, cet amplificateur de son était utilisé pour écouter et prévenir de l’arrivée de l’ennemi. Sur le même principe que le stéthoscope médical, le·a visiteur·euse est convié·e à chausser les deux cornets acoustiques (lyre) pour écouter ses propres bruits intérieurs et les flux de la maison des arts.
Lyre, geophone, copper and rubber
Inland I, an installation integrated into the architecture of the Maison des Arts, summons the ear. Invented in 1915 and used during the First World War, this sound amplifier was used to listen and warn of the arrival of the enemy. On the same principle as the medical stethoscope, the visitor is invited to put on the two acoustic horns (lyre) to listen to their own inner sounds and the flows of the house of arts.
Inland I, an installation integrated into the architecture of the Maison des Arts, summons the ear. Invented in 1915 and used during the First World War, this sound amplifier was used to listen and warn of the arrival of the enemy. On the same principle as the medical stethoscope, the visitor is invited to put on the two acoustic horns (lyre) to listen to their own inner sounds and the flows of the house of arts.